Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Android studio type curly and square brackets with non-English keymapping

down voteaccepted
Add this line:
to this file:

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Virutalbox linux guest additions for debian

This worked for me with the iso image downloaded from virtualbox:

The cdrom drive can be created as another IDE drive.

Why create cdrom drive is greyed out in virtualbox

Cdrom drive can be added only if the machine is shut down, not saved.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Virtual machine: Preconfigured LAMP stack with php 7

1. Install virtualbox:

2. Download the first VM build which works with virtualbox:

3. Import it into virtualbox. This gives us a LAMP stack with php 5.0

4. Install php7 in the VM:

5. disable php5:  a2dismod php5

6. enable php7: a2enmod php7.0

7. restart web server